Meditation in East London
More and more people are becoming interested in meditation. As life in big cities gets increasingly hectic and fast paced, we can become overstimulated and lose connection with ourselves and with what is important to us. This can lead to:
feelings of loneliness and separation
depletion and exhaustion
tension, nervousness, fatigue
irritability and stress
Although stress can have a positive impact on you, in the short term it can increase energy levels and help you to stay alert and focused. But when it becomes permanent it can make you ill. It is common to deal with the symptoms of acute and chronic stress by taking medication to deal with:
digestive problems
muscle tension
breathing difficulties
Although we cannot always change external circumstances, we can change our attitude towards situations. Most stress is created in our minds, it is the conflict between something we want and we cannot or do not have.
By periodically paying no or less attention to the outside world and turning inwards, we can become aware of a quiet place within. We can cultivate the communication with our inner knowledge, which allows us to respond with a clearer mind and with integrity to what life throws at us. As we become more centred and less defensive habitual negativity in ourselves and our environment reduces.
Private sessions and small group courses.
It has been documented that Meditation is a very effective Stress Management tool. In the sessions you will be given specific breathing and meditation techniques and also look at philosophical teachings that support your meditation practice.
Meditation is not about being able to sit cross-legged and to stop thinking at will but rather about allowing time to be with yourself, to tune in and to observe.
What to expect
A typical session consists of breathing exercises, sitting in silence and discussions about subjects such as different personalities, negative emotions, false perception, resistance etc. and how we can through observation change and transform our lives. We try to refrain from the abstract and to stay focused on the here and now to keep our meditation practice relevant to everyday life. This school of meditation is not based on any religious belief system.
If you are new to meditation we advise practicing 3 to 4 times a week for up to 10 minutes. People are often surprised how quickly they experience positive changes. The challenge is to continue on a regular basis once the novelty factor has worn off. Yet with time your practice may become an integral part of your life that no longer requires great effort.
If you are longing for stillness and a quieter mind, I am able to help you by teaching you techniques that lead to meditation. Meditation is not about being able to sit cross-legged with an empty mind. Switching off your thoughts at will is impossible, at least in the beginning. Learning to meditate is a process of relaxing physically, mentally, and emotionally before one can experience a state of no thought. This should not be confused with being passive. In contrast, decreasing uncontrolled thinking allows us to perceive life, including ourselves, more objectively and, therefore helping us to make better choices.